Sunday, April 17, 2011

Max On Life by Max Lucado

Max on Life is like sitting down with your pastor and getting in-a-nutshell answers to the long list of questions you’ve accumulated throughout life. Lucado, being a minister, has been asked a lot of questions over the years and so he turned these frequently asked questions, along with his answers, into a book.

The questions are divided into seven categories. Most answers are less than a page with a few of the tougher questions filling 1-2 pages. These short and succinct answers give this newest release a slightly devotional feel. Each question/answer gives the reader a thought or two to ponder. Reading only one or two pages at a time is an appropriate way to read this book. Max on Life is a book you don’t have to read cover to cover, although it is interesting and enjoyable enough to do so. What keeps you reading is that you’ve asked the same questions and you want to know the answers too. Out of 172 questions, there were very few I had not wondered myself.

Lucado does an outstanding job of giving Biblical answers. His answers do not include phrases like, “this is my opinion” or “my personal belief is….” There isn’t a need for that because he bases his responses on what Scripture says. The reader does get a feel for where Lucado stands on some issues because it is clear that he regards the Bible as truth.

Max on Life is a good resource for pastors, church leaders, parents and others who get asked the tough questions. And in true Lucado style, this book is easy reading; just like chatting over a cup of coffee in the pastor’s office. Maybe you’ll finally get an answer to that question burning inside you.

I received a complimentary copy of Max On Life from Thomas Nelson as a participant in their blogging for books program, Booksneeze.

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