You may have noticed that my reading, and as a result, my reviews seems to be slower going. The past 4-6 weeks I have struggled to get any reading done, which is very unusual. I typically can read two books in a six-week stretch but, I can't seem to get through one! There are a couple reasons for this:
The book I'm "reading" is not keeping my interest. In most cases once I start a book I squeeze a few pages of reading into every nook and cranny of my day. In other words, my housework doesn't get done because I can't hold a book and mop the floor at the same time. (Note: my lack of reading does not mean my house is clean.)
So ditch the boring book, you say. Well, if I could I would. I agreed to read and write a review of this book and I intend to keep my word. Eventually you will see a review of this book and chances are you will never know by the review that it took me three months to read the book. Yes, my review will be honest, don't worry.
I guess this situation could be classified as classic procrastination. Hah!
Another reason I can't seem to get to the last page is because I'm reading my Bible instead. Which, is a very good excuse, if you ask me. We all could spend a little more time in The Word and less time in someone else's word. The funny thing about this is, I've been reading the section of the Old Testement that is nothing but laws for the Isrealites.
For Christmas/birthday (they run together, they're only 10 days apart) my husband bought me The Narrative Bible in Chronological Order. I am thoroughly enjoying reading the Bible this way. I highly recommend chronological order Bibles. So, in this Bible they have compiled all the laws from the various OT books and made one section--100 pages total. It's a tough 100 pages to tackle but, I am now on the other side.
Isn't that hilarious, I found more time and it was easier for me to read through 100 pages of OT laws than read a new release! I laugh everytime I think of it.
Next post: My Bible reading goals.
Back to my book/Bible---
J Renee